A rigorous approach, solid know-how and innovative solutions.
We are a team of 25 lawyers from Milan, Rome and London with a strong, natural vocation to think strategically and take decisive intervention, and a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions to clients.
Our Department’s specialisation in domestic and international debt restructuring and insolvency, underpinned by our lawyers’ multidisciplinary experience in Banking & Finance, Dispute Resolution, Corporate Finance, Employment and Industrial Relations, Shipping, Aviation and Transportation, Tax, enables us to ensure clients receive a seamless full-range service that meets their requirements and provides the best solution.
We can deal with all operations related to corporate crisis and default management situations. Our depth of experience in the field of Bankruptcy Law enables us to manage the most complex restructuring and insolvency cases.
We have market-leading expertise in the restructuring and insolvency field, having assisted the most important Italian and foreign industrial and banking groups and investment funds, acting both on the creditor and debtor sides.
- management of default situations;
- requests for standstill and moratorium;
- restructuring of financial indebtedness through both judicial (concordato in bianco, concordato preventivo – including in continuità – and concordato fallimentare) and extrajudicial transactions (restructuring agreements pursuant to Article 182 bis of the Bankruptcy Law, tax transactions pursuant to Article 182 ter of the Bankruptcy Law, and restructuring plans approved pursuant to Article 67 of the Bankruptcy Law);
- corporate re-organisation;
- granting of loans in crisis situations, bridge loans to restructuring, and DIP financing;
- distressed debt transactions and investments in assets belonging to insolvent persons;
- sale and purchase of non-performing loans (NPLs) or Unlikely-to-pay financings (UTPs), both in portfolios and single names;
- turnarounds, debt-to-equity conversions, and issue of equity and quasi-equity instruments;
- analysis of insolvency risks in relation to the restructuring of securitisation, leasing, project financing, structured finance, bond issues, ISDA and other derivatives, hybrid financial instruments and other financial products;
- bankruptcy litigation (claims, asset recovery, claw-back actions) and litigation related to composition or restructuring procedures;
- labour assistance in all downsizing activities, with particular reference to the use of social shock absorbers, the use of the INPS Guarantee Fund, and the management of industrial relations.