This document outlines Legance’s policy with respect to the Management System regarding Anti- Corruption (SGPC), pursuant to the ISO 37001:2016 standard.

  • Legance prohibits corruption in all its forms (e.g. requests for or acceptance of bribes by Personnel, Professionals or anyone acting on behalf of Legance) and it encourages the reporting of suspicious activities, provided that the report is made in good faith or on the basis of reasonable belief by the person reporting the matter and, in any case, on a confidential basis, where there is no risk of reprisal.
  • The Management Committee, representing Legance, has identified Risk Owners and liaison officers responsible for anti-corruption issues (SGPC and RFPC Committee). The Risk Owners will report to the Management Committee on the progress and status of information security on a six-monthly basis.
  • Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action to be taken on a case-by-case basis by the Management Committee.
  • Legance has laid down objectives regarding anti-corruption (in a special document) which are updated when necessary. Each Risk Owner is responsible towards the Management Committee for monitoring the objectives and detecting any abnormalities in relation to what has been set out.
  • Legance sets up annual training and/or internal audit programs to monitor its SGPC.
  • Legance is committed to observing anti-corruption laws and regulations.
  • Partners, Risk Owners and all Professionals and Personnel in general are focused on ensuring the continuous improvement of the SGPC through performance measurement, internal audits, reviews, etc..

This policy is distributed within Legance through special training sessions and communications from Partners and Risk Owners.

The policy can be disclosed to the general public (press, suppliers, authorities, etc.) but only after approval by the Management Committee.

The policy and all related documents are reviewed periodically to ensure their continuing relevance and suitability.

The system provides measurable objectives which are kept under constant review.


To read the policy click here.


To read the Suppliers Code of Conduct click here.