Francesca Carlesi has gained a wide range of experience in the environmental and energy sectors, advising a large number of domestic and international clients on both contentious and not contentious matters.
She has assisted clients on many environmental matters, such as waste management, clean-up procedures, environmental impact assessment procedures, the IPPC (“integrated pollution prevention and control”) authorization and the so called environmental single authorization (“autorizzazione unica ambientale”), air emission authorization and wastewater discharge authorization. Francesca has also experience in EU and national regulations concerning packaging, labelling and waste management, including in the agroscience sector.
Francesca also has experience on quarry and mine regulations and on procedures for the granting of permits to explore/exploit onshore/offshore hydrocarbon fields and management of excavation materials.
Moreover, she has assisted clients in the development of projects for the production of energy from renewable sources (wind and photovoltaic plants).
With reference to the administrative sector, Francesca has gained experience mainly in the expropriation procedures, building and town planning matters and public procurement and project finance regulations both in ordinary and special sectors. In particular, she has advised clients involved in public tender procedures and in the administrative litigation procedures before the competent regional Courts.
Francesca regularly deliveres lectures at Masters organized by the Management School of Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Università Ca’ Foscari and LUISS University of Rome.
From 2004 to 2008, she also was an assistant lecturer in Administrative and Environmental Law at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi.
She appeared in legal publications concerning administrative and environmental law.
Francesca Carlesi graduated in Law maxima cum laude and right of publication from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in 2004. She graduated with the Ph.D. in Administrative Law from Università degli Studi di Milano in 2008.
She is a member of the Milan Bar.